Incorporating Mindfulness into Your Clay Mask Beauty Routine

The sun streams through the windows and the bath mat tickles your bare toes. The room is quiet aside from the distant tick of the clock in the hallway. You breathe deeply, feeling calm and relaxed as you apply the cooling clay mask to your skin. You know you have much to look forward to, including wonderfully clear skin and a clear mind to match. Welcome to your mindful beauty routine, where rushing is prohibited and you are encouraged to enjoy every single moment…
What is Mindfulness?
To some, mindfulness conjures up images of sitting cross-legged on a cushion, meditating as candles flicker and wood chimes tinkle in the breeze. But mindfulness doesn’t have to be something you have to clear your schedule for or spend hours practicing. You can incorporate mindfulness into your day by simply choosing to be present and living in the moment. Let go of reasoning and overlook distractions, instead center your thoughts and submit to your feelings, allowing sensations to wash over you as you engage in an activity.
The Benefits of Embracing Mindful Beauty
Embracing mindfulness and incorporating it into your beauty regime can boost your mental, emotional, and physical health. You can become more focused and increase concentration levels, lessen stress and reduce tension, and enjoy a newfound sense of tranquillity and calm that will enhance your well-being.
Mindful beauty can also improve your skin, if you’re paying more attention to your regime, you’ll do a better job of cleansing and moisturizing. You’re more likely to invigorate blood flow and stimulate your lymphatic system, which will help eliminate toxins and improve the appearance of your skin.
A Mindful Clay Mask Beauty Routine Just for You
Healthy skin needs plenty of tender loving care, and applying a clay mask two to three times a week is the perfect way to provide it. There are plenty of products available but the best masks are natural and packed full of bioactive compounds.
If you’re keen on soothing and healing acne-prone skin, looking to combat aging, and dream of hydrated, glowing skin read on.
Set the scene
You don’t have to clean the bathroom or bedroom from top to toe but try and set the scene by closing the door and clearing a space for yourself. If you want to light a candle or play some music, go ahead. This is your time so decide for yourself how you would like to use it.
Begin with Intention
Take a moment to consider your intention before you begin. You are going to spend time caring for your skin and while doing so you can focus on the things that matter to you. What would you like to accomplish? Perhaps you are seeking peace or serenity? Or maybe you want to heighten your focus and become more driven? Others may be in pursuit of a more positive outlook. Only you can decide on your intention, but whichever you decide make sure you remain in the moment.
Senses and sensations
Mindfulness involves embracing every one of your senses. As you start to apply your clay mask focus on the different sensations you encounter. Take note of the texture as your fingers dip into the refreshing clay. Enjoy the coolness as you apply it to your face and notice how the clay feels against your bare skin. Savour aromas and take time to revel in a moment of relaxation.
Become self-aware
When we start to relax, we occasionally experience negative voices in our head. These voices like to remind us we have pressing problems to deal with and sometimes make us doubt ourselves. Occasionally they criticize the way we look or act. As you carry out your beauty regime try to deal with any negative thoughts by registering them and then dispelling them.
It’s fine to notice self-critique but you don’t need to hold onto it. Let go of the negative, it’s time to usher in the positive.
Take it as it comes
Each day brings new opportunities and challenges and we often have to work to achieve good outcomes. Despite our hard work and effort, things don’t always go to plan – that’s life! Try to accept this as you embark on your mindful beauty routine. Don’t beat yourself up if you find your thoughts wandering as you think about what to cook for dinner or mull over a taxing work project. Just bring yourself back to the present and continue on.
A mindful beauty routine allows you to take back time for yourself. This holistic approach can nurture you and help you reconnect with your life. Self-care should be an essential element of our lives, but all too often we overlook it. Make yourself a priority and enjoy finding a sense of inner calm as you detoxify, brighten, and refresh your skin.
Other ways to incorporate mindful beauty
Using a clay mask can enhance the way your skin looks and feels and if you incorporate mindfulness, you can enjoy clarity of thought too. Here are a few other beauty and wellness methods that work wonderfully well when combined with mindfulness:
Tap your eyes
We have lots of blood vessels around our eyes, and these act as pressure points. Gently tapping your eye area pressure points with your fingers helps to release endorphins and will boost your mood.
Brush your hair
Brushing your hair rhythmically can prove soothing and will hydrate your hair too. Choose a good quality brush and sweep the brush from your hairline to your neck. Repeat the action for around five minutes to brush your cares away.
Jump in the shower
A morning shower will set you up for the day and re-energize tired skin. Massage your skin with a zingy shower gel or exfoliating body scrub to wake yourself up and invigorate your lymphatic system.
Massage your face
Give your face some TLC with a mini massage. Start by placing your hands over your face and breathing deeply then use your fingertips to tap all over. The combination of deep breathing and tapping should reinvigorate your skin and lift your energy levels too.
Add a positive affirmation or two
You can enhance any beauty routine by adding a positive affirmation. You’ll need to choose a positive word or phrase that is meaningful to you e.g. “I will embrace today,” or “tranquillity,” or perhaps, “I am resilient.” As you apply your clay mask you can repeat your mantra to embed its meaning.
Is mindful beauty for you?
Need some time out? Well, you could visit an expensive spa, devote a day to meditation, or treat yourself to a week-long retreat in the back of beyond. All of these are valid options, but you’ll need time and money, and that’s not always readily available.
Embarking on a mindful beauty routine provides you with an easy way to access stillness and regain your composure. You’ll need quality products that suit your skin, but once you’ve found your dream cream you can incorporate your new regime as quickly as you like. Think of it as mini-therapy sessions you deliver as a treat to yourself
Jana Skin for Mindful Beauty
With chores, family commitments, social engagements, and work thrown into the mix, it’s little wonder we find it difficult to make time for ourselves. But we do need to slow down from time to time, so try a Jana Skin clay face mask combined with a mindful approach to make a positive change.
Made in Australia and inspired by the beautiful beaches, Jana Skin clay face masks contain algae and seaweed and are packed full of bioactive compounds. With
impressive antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antioxidant qualities, the clay masks soothe and heal acne-prone skin, fight the signs of aging, detoxify, and help you achieve hydrated, glowing skin.
We all deserve a dose of “me time”, so why not incorporate mindfulness into your beauty regime, try a Jana Skin clay face mask, and add a little self-love to your life?